Browse Exhibits (3 total)
The 400 of the 96th: Military Training on Algoma Blvd.
The history of the 96th College Detachment that was stationed at Oshkosh State Teachers College. The 96th's mission in Oshkosh was to learn how to become pilots during World War Two.
Serving Those Who Served: Veterans at UW Oshkosh from WWI to Vietnam
Over the course of its history, UW Oshkosh has sought to help returning servicemen obtain the education they needed for the jobs they wanted. Although the programs and benefits varied, the university's commitment to veterans has not.
Flaming Love: The Sexual Revolution Arrives at Oshkosh
The American sexual revolution during the 1960s and 1970s, challenged perceptions of sexuality and sexual behavior. College campuses got particularly involved, as sexually active young people found their first opportunity to openly rebel against the norms and expectations of home. Despite its small, Midwestern environment, students at UW Oshkosh participated in the larger, national conversation about sex and sexuality. The highest concern for many college students was the threat pregnancy posed to their life plans.